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21st Century Community Learning Center Evaluation

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) program is a federally funded program. The program funds are allocated by Congress to the Federal Education Department for distribution. The funds are distributed by that department to each state through their state education agency for local allocation and management oversight. Because this is federal money, The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) is required to meet certain criteria established by the federal government, including the reporting of information that can only be obtained through local programs.

The local evaluation process assists 21st CCLC programs to continually examine outcomes and work collaboratively with stakeholders to provide the best opportunities possible for students. Conducting a local evaluation helps 21st CCLC staff track the program’s implementation, progress, and success. It also provides valuable information that will inform changes needed to improve the program’s performance.

21st CCLC Statewide Evaluation Reporting

This report summarizes data from Cohorts 15 and 16 subgrantees who operated programs in 202-23. The purpose of this report is to provide descriptive information to inform NCDPI’s statewide monitoring of the performance of the subgrantees and participating students. The report is organized by NCDPI’s goals and objectives for the 21st CCLC program, which incorporate required federal 21st CCLC objectives and performance measures.

21st CCLC Subgrantee Evaluation Reporting

This resources below are provided to assist local 21st CCLC subgrantees to identify successes and discover areas for future growth.

Subgrantee Outcomes Progress Monitoring Report

These reports are generated by SERVE Center for 21st CCLC subgrantees to ensure they have the opportunity to review their performance on various program outcomes relative to the state and other subgrantees. These reports are distributed by NCDPI to 21st CCLC Program Directors on an annual basis (Spring). The data for this report come from the 21DC database and are merged with student achievement data from Accountability Services. The following is an example of a subgrantee report for the 2021-22 school year.

Instructional Staff Survey

NCDPI requires 21st CCLC subgrantees to administer Instructional Staff Surveys for all students in grades K-12 who attended programming for the 2024-2025 academic year and/or summer 2025. Instructional Staff Survey data are required as part of federal and state student outcome reporting requirements. More specifically, states receiving 21st CCLC funding must collect data on students participating in 21st CCLC programming and track/report instructor-reported improvement in student’s level of engagement in learning.

Subgrantee Annual Evaluation Report

The Subgrantee Annual Evaluation Report helps to ensure that subgrantees reflect on the extent to which their 21st CCLC funded program has met its proposed enrollment, expenditures, and attendance targets—as well as its impact on participants’ engagement in learning. Subgrantees are required to provide data regarding their programming for the 2024-25 school year, as well as for Summer 2025 (if applicable). A completed Subgrantee Annual Evaluation Report template must be uploaded into CCIP on or before September 30th, 2025.