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Student Support

National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE)

NCHE is the U.S. Department of Education’s technical assistance and information dissemination center in the area of homeless education. NCHE supports the work of administrators, educators, service providers, and agencies in removing barriers to the enrollment and success of homeless children and youth and, in the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Act.

Client: U.S. Department of Education
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education
Topics: homeless education, homeless and unaccompanied youth, McKinney-Vento
Contact: Eric Grebing and Karla L. Strong

North Carolina Homeless Education Program

The NCHEP administers the homeless education program for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The program provides guidance, technical assistance, staff development, and oversight to all local education agencies in the state in removing barriers to the enrollment and success of homeless children and youth, and in implementing the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act. The program conducts and oversees the process of providing subgrants to local education agencies in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act.

Client: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Funding Agency: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Topics: homeless education, homeless and unaccompanied youth, McKinney-Vento
Contact: Lisa Phillips

North Carolina Foster Education Program

The SERVE Center administers the foster education program for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The program provides guidance, technical assistance, staff development, and oversight to all local education agencies in the state in removing barriers to the enrollment and success of children and youth in foster care.

Client: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Funding Agency: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Topics: child welfare, foster education
Contact: Dr. Yatisha Blythe

Increasing School Readiness in the Face of Homelessness

Planed and conducted an interagency summit to increase service providers’ capacity to improve school readiness for young homeless children; developing training materials, publications, and a needs assessment customized for Indiana early childhood service providers to increase their capacity to serve homeless children.

Client: Indiana Head Start Collaboration Office
Funding Agency: Indiana Head Start Collaboration Office
Topics: homeless children, early childhood
Contact: Christina Endres

Migrant Education Program Service Delivery Plan Toolkit, Comprehensive Needs Assessment Toolkit, and Program Evaluation Toolkit

Development of three toolkits designed to assist state Migrant Education Programs in carrying out required planning, implementation, and program evaluation activities. Each toolkit includes planning tools and practical strategies shared by Migrant Education Program state directors.

Client: U.S. Department of Education Office of Migrant Education
Funding Agency: Texas State University-San Marcos
Topics: migrant education, migratory children and youth, program planning, program evaluation
Contact: Diana Bowman

Migrant Education New Directors’ Orientation

Development of a 14-module tutorial that provides essential information, interactive quizzes, and planning tools for new state directors for the Migrant Education Program.

Client: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education
Funding Agency: Texas State University-San Marcos
Topics: migrant education, migratory children and youth, professional development
Contact: Beth Thrift

NAEHCY Higher Education Toolkit and Higher Education Initiative Evaluation

Development of a toolkit for educational administrators, school social workers, and school counselors to assist homeless students in accessing higher education; (2) conducting an evaluation of NAEHCY’s higher education network initiative that included an analysis of data from help requests, interviews with network participants, and meeting observations.

Client: National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)
Funding Agency: NAEHCY
Topics: homeless youth, higher education, program evaluation
Contact: Christina Dukes or Kathleen Mooney

Region X – HEO Texas Toolkit

Development of an Education for Homeless Children and Youth program implementation manual for local homeless liaisons in Texas, which builds on NCHE’s Homeless Liaison Toolkit and the Texas Homeless Educators’ Source Book. The eight-chapter manual includes planning tools and implementation strategies tailored for the Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth program and designed to enable local liaisons to implement a homeless education program customized for their school district.

Client: Region 10 Education Service Center
Funding Agency: Region 10 Education Service Center
Topics: homeless education, homeless children and youth, program planning
Contact: Diana Bowman