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Exploring Early Learning

In this podcast, Carla Garrett, Early Learning Specialist for the Region 6 Comprehensive Center (RC6), discusses early learners and the brain research that informs how to best achieve positive 3rd grade outcomes. Carla also talks about her background and what drives her work, as well as her passion about early learning. 

In this podcast, Carla Garrett, Early Learning Specialist for the Region 6 Comprehensive Center (RC6) at SERVE, discusses early learners and the brain research that informs how to best achieve positive 3rd grade outcomes. She talks about trends in early learning, as well as the brain research that provides critical information on how young children’s brains learn through play. She shares how conversations about early learners can help educators understand more about how their brains work. Finally, Carla provides an overview of the SERVE’s Preschool- 3rd Grade Distinguished Leadership Institute.

The development of a child’s brain provides the foundation for all future learning to prepare children for school and for life.

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard

When I began at RC6, leadership provided me with the opportunity to really think about the why around early learning Preschool – 3rd Grade. We assembled a group of early learning leaders representing Preschool through the early grades who determined a need for a state-wide collaborative. Hours were spent thinking about early learning and listening to the voices of the practitioners, which resulted in the development of a White Paper titled “Children Come First: Ensuring School Policies, Practices, and Strategies Lead to Positive 3rd Grade Outcomes.”

Carla Garrett

To read the white paper, “Children Come First: Ensuring School Policies, Practices, and Strategies Lead to Positive 3rd Grade Outcomes and supplementary briefs, visit the RC6 Resources page.

Children Come First: Ensuring School Policies, Practices, and Strategies Lead to Positive 3rd Grade Outcomes

Host: Judi Rossabi, Communications Specialist
Production: Curtis Burgins, Communications Specialist