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Implementation evaluation helps determine whether program activities have been implemented as intended. It can serve as an opportunity for grantees to reflect on the quality of activities provided over the year and to examine enrollment and attendance data, as well as, teacher survey processes and response rates by center/site. 

The purpose of asking grantees to submit the 21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report at the close of the program year is threefold:

  1. To encourage program improvement through analysis of data on enrollment and attendance and through reflection on aspects of program quality,
  2. To develop a culture of program accountability for the effective use of federal funds, and
  3. To develop the capacity of grantees to evaluate the quality of their implementation and to monitor student outcomes
Kids in classroom

21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report Template

The 21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report template has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s 21st Century Community Learning Center program for annual reporting on program implementation. 

Cohort 12 & 13 subgrantees will complete the 21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report by September 30, 2019, using implementation data from the past program year (2018-2019).

Subgrantees should follow these steps for accessing and completing the template for submitting the 21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report.

  1. Download to your computer, the 21st CCLC Subgrantee Annual Program Evaluation Report template  from the Related Documents section within CCIP.
  2. Save the template on your computer, renaming the file in a way that indicates your subgrantee name and ID#.
  3. Fill in the template according to the instructions provided in the document.
    • The fillable form fields are shaded.
    • Save regularly.
  4. Once you are satisfied that the report is complete and accurate, please upload the file back to the Related Documents section within CCIP by September 30, 2019.
  5. Retain an electronic or hard copy of your completed report for your own files.

Please contact your regional Program Administrator with questions.


For additional instruments and resources related to improving 21st Century Community Learning Center programs, visit: