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With over three decades of experience in supporting education professionals nationwide, SERVE at UNC Greensboro is pleased to announce new services for state education agencies, local education agencies, nonprofit organizations, foundations, and other educational organizations. These services encompass professional development, policy/program development, grants management, data analysis/management, strategic planning, and needs assessments. 

We are well-versed in legislation that drives federal and state policies and practices as it relates to the education of P-20 students who are experiencing homelessness, moving in and out of the foster care system, migratory, experiencing chronic absenteeism, involved in the juvenile justice system, special education, and early learners.

SERVE is uniquely equipped to collaborate with state and local education agencies thanks to our staff’s extensive knowledge, skills, and experiences that align with the specific goals and requirements of federal government programs and initiatives. Our collective experience has resulted in high-quality implementation of federal programs, actionable insights, and tangible benefits for educators, as evidenced by years of positive evaluations.

Updates from EducationForward

More Than the Numbers: Connecting Outcomes to Students presentation at the National ESEA Conference.

Presentation Location: National ESEA Conference hybrid presentation

Date & Time: February 20, 2025 @ 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM

Presenter: Christina Endres, Program Specialist, EducationForward, SERVE at UNC Greensboro

Students who experience homelessness are eligible to receive support through the McKinney-Vento Act and Title I, Part A of the ESEA. But many questions remain about who the students are, what their needs are, and how to best meet them. This session will address some of those basic questions while also looking at practical solutions implemented by districts who have had success with improving student outcomes on chronic absenteeism and adjusted cohort graduation rates.

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